Un repaso del programa de MD Live.
- Teacher: Nicki Kendrick
Un repaso del programa de MD Live.
Overview of MFV Telemed program.
Conozca todo sobre los beneficios que ofrece Murphy Family Ventures, que incluyen: seguro médico, dental, de la vista, de vida y de vida complementario. También revisaremos 401K, PTO, días festivos, licencia por funeral y reembolso de matrícula. Las pólizas básicas cubiertas son Licencias por Ausencia, Incapacidad a Corto y Largo Plazo y Premios por Servicios.
This course covers basic Human Resources competencies and policies. HR laws and regulations are also reviewed. Examples range from hiring and firing to wage and salary administration.
This course provides an overview of the 401K retirement plan offered by Murphy Family Ventures. The course also provides guidance on how to start your 401K account.
Este curso ofrece una descripción general del plan de jubilación 401K que ofrece Murphy Family Ventures. El curso también brinda orientación sobre cómo iniciar su cuenta 401K.
Learn all about the benefits offered by Murphy Family Ventures to include: Health, dental, vision, life, supplemental life insurance. We will also review 401K, PTO, Holidays, Funeral leave, and Tuition reimbursement. Basic policies covered are Leave of Absence, Short and Long Term Disability and Service Awards.
Comunicación Efectiva
¿Escuchas o escuchas? Aprender las técnicas de observación, escucha y cuestionamiento agudizará las habilidades de comunicación de los empleados.
Tambien esta clase se enfoca en el uso de preguntas para mejorar la comunicación. También abordaremos las técnicas de formación de equipos.
La ultima tema es como resoluciónar conflictos . ¿Maneja bien los conflictos? Este curso ayuda al individuo a lidiar con situaciones de conflicto, mientras enfatiza su estilo natural de lidiar con asuntos difíciles.
Do you hear or do you listen? Learning the techniques of observation, listening, and questioning will sharpen employees’ communication skills.
The second part of the course focuses on the use of questions to improve communication. We will also touch on team building techniques.
Conflict Resolution is addressed in the third class. Do you handle conflict well? This course helps the individual to deal with conflict situations, while emphasizing his/her natural style of dealing with difficult matters.
A course for managers and assistant managers that teaches the guidelines for effectively documenting discipline through Facts, Goals, Solutions and Actions. Documenting discipline should allow the employee to improve, rather than frustrate or prohibit management from achieving its desired goals.
This course provides access to recorded Effective MGR classes. These sessions are intended to be viewed by those enrolled in the course, but due to unforeseen circumstances were not able to make a session.
Este curso cubre los pasos para desarrollar metas y objetivos departamentales, revisar los objetivos y hacerlos parte de las expectativas de desempeño de un empleado.
This course covers the steps for developing departmental goals and objectives, reviewing objectives and making them a part of an employee’s performance expectations.
Overview of Golf Course Maintenance Videos/Repaso del uso de tractores de River Landing.
Este curso provee lecciones del cuento : Connect with English. Es una clase advanzada para practicar los cuatro areas de aprendezaje: Eschucho, Leer, Hablar, y Escribir.
Course designed to provide job related vocabulary and phrases to learn Spanish for the timber department.
This course is designed to provide learners with language and vocabulary in Spanish for the farm environment.
This course is designed to help non-native speakers of English learn vocabulary and pronunciation skills to communicate in English with their co-workers.
Este curso es deseando proveer los hispanohablantes o personas con otra idioma aprender el vocabulario y habilidades de prounciar communicar en ingles con sus companeros de trabajo.
Onboarding steps for all new hires
Onboarding steps for all Production Management New Hires
Onboarding steps for all new hires
Onboarding steps for all Production Management New Hires
Repaso de las compañías de MFV.
Overview of the Murphy Family Ventures suite of companies.
Este recurso de Capacitación suplementaria en producción se ha compilado para ayudar con la capacitación en finca realizada para Pay For Skills. Este curso debe ser utilizado por el personal de liderazgo para ayudar a complementar la capacitación regular de Pay For Skills, pero también puede usarse como un repaso.
This Production Supplemental Training resource has been compiled to assist with the on-farm training conducted for Pay For Skills. This course should be used by leadership staff to help supplement regular Pay For Skills training, but can also be used as a refresher.
Durante el programa Day One Pig Care, aprenderá a
Brindar un cuidado animal excepcional, como preparar a las cerdas para una camada exitosa, ayudar con el parto, el cuidado de los recién nacidos, la identificación de los lechones en riesgo, la prevención del enfriamiento, la optimización ingesta de calostro y fomento cruzado.
During the Day One Pig Care program, you will learn to
• Provide exceptional animal care, such as preparing sows for a successful litter, assisting with
farrowing, caring for newborns, identifying at-risk piglets, preventing chilling, optimizing
colostrum intake, and cross-fostering.
This is course provide access to the PQA Site Assessment Training.
El programa de educación y certificación llamado Pork Quality Assurance Plus (PQA Plus) es una clara demostración de nuestro compromiso de mejorar la forma en que cultivamos. Introducido en 1989, Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) fue diseñado para ayudar a los criadores de cerdos y sus empleados a utilizar las mejores prácticas para promover la seguridad alimentaria.
The education and certification program called Pork Quality Assurance Plus (PQA Plus) is a clear demonstration of our commitment to improving the way we farm. Introduced in 1989, Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) was designed to help pig farmers and their employees use best practices to promote food safety.
How are you addressing employees to capture the hearts and minds of new hires even before they start? Walk with us through a new sprinter’s (employee’s) journey from days 1–14 to day 90, as they onboard into the speakers’ fast-growing company. Experience elements of their process that fuel individual growth and build rapid alignment.
In this session, you will:
Learn how to reduce distractions and focus on priorities Everyone is given the same twenty-four hours every day – how you use them is up to you! In this mini-course we’ll look at tips from some of the world’s top experts in time management, including Stephen Covey, Dave Crenshaw, Peter Drucker, and Tim Ferriss.
Revisión de los beneficios ofrecidos por MFV. Puede inscribirse con un miembro de Recursos Humanos.